technical english online course -- susan smith nash, ph.d.

Susan Smith Nash, Ph.D.


Technical English

Online Course

Overview of Technical English

Technical English Menu

Home Page & Overview
Required Work
Audience Analysis
Writing for a Variety of Audiences
Planning your Task
Editing, Part II
Technical Report
Technical Report, Part II
Progress Report, Choice I
Progress Report, Choice 2
Progress Report, Choice 3
Progress Report, Choice 4
Other Resources

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this technical writing course, a student will be able to:

  • Develop an obvious and appropriate focus for each writing activity they produce;

  • Demonstrate competent editing and revising skills through progressive drafts of documents;

  • Make effective adaptations in content detail, organization of information, tone, diction, and sentence structure for different intended audiences;

  • Employ differences in writing purpose, format, structure and delivery as relevant to or required by the situation that prompts the writing;

  • Demonstrate flexibility in moving between the needs of different audiences;

  • Produce a variety of writing assignments intended for different disciplines or vocational tasks;

  • Distinguish reliable sources of information from question sources;

  • Integrate researched information into their documents with appropriate citation;

  • Discriminate between different types of data and select data appropriate for the writing situation;

  • Assess their own writing with increasing insight;

  • Use technology productively in their writing assignments;

  • Produce documents in the format appropriate to or required by the situation (e.g., page numbering, heading, etc.).

Course Overview

Technical-writing courses introduce you to some of the most important aspects of writing in the world of science, technology, and business--in other words, the kind of writing that scientists, nurses, doctors, computer specialists, government officials, engineers, and other such people do as a part of their regular work.

To learn how to write effectively for the world of work, you will study audience analysis, abstracts, memos, editing procedures, and technical reports.

Technical-writing courses build on what you have learned in other writing courses, but there are assignments that are new to learn. If you currently have a job in which you do some writing, you will discover that you can put what you learn in your technical-writing course to immediate use.